For more than ten years I was considered to have incurable spinal trouble. I received the best treatment available for my condition at a number of well-known hospitals, but grew worse instead of better, and was finally fixed in a steel spinal case for the remainder of my life. I shall not easily forget the kindness that was shown me by many surgeons and their assistants during this dark period of my life. Indeed, I have to thank one of the latter for bringing the glad news of Christian Science to my notice, for she declared emphatically that Christian Science heals. Thinking, however, like so many others, that such a hopeless case was beyond healing, I pursued the subject no farther.
Six more weary years rolled by, and at the end of this period Christian Science was again brought to my notice, this time through two Christian Scientists who were visiting my mother. Getting into conversation with these ladies, I found myself pouring into their ears my long tale of suffering. Concluding my story, I ventured to put a definite question to one of them, I said, "Do you think Christian Science will heal me?" "Yes, it will!" came the reply. Her reply amazed me, for it was given with such conviction. Thinking it too good to be true, I again said, "Do you mean that Christian Science will heal me without recourse to any material aid whatsoever?" The answer came back—quick, convincing, decisive: "Yes, it is absolutely true!" At that moment an instantaneous reversal of thought took place. From the awful certainty that nothing would ever heal me, I found myself realizing with unspeakable joy that Christian Science could and would make me free.
The next day I borrowed the textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy, from a Christian Science Reading Room. I shall never forget my first perusal of this wonderful book. Light was immediately thrown upon many questions that had hitherto troubled me. I found this light of Truth satisfying, comforting—real spiritual food for those deep yearnings that had always been with me. This beautiful truth that was unfolding to me did, indeed, prove to be the Comforter promised by the Master. Day by day this light of Truth dawned on consciousness in ever increasing radiance, and in two weeks its healing power was made manifest on the body. I had been to my first service at a branch Church of Christ, Scientist, and during my walk home from the tram terminus I discovered that all the supporting straps which held my steel case firmly in place had become loose and hung freely down my sides. My brother, who was with me, became somewhat alarmed at the discovery and asked what I was going to do about it. I replied joyfully that it was done; I was healed! And it was here that the potency of the Master's words filled my thought: "Thy faith hath made thee whole; go in peace." The remainder of the journey home was spent simply "walking, and leaping, and praisiag God" the whole of the way. Arriving home, I removed the case and threw it away. My burden of many years was gone forever. My wife, with tears of joy, exclaimed, "Thank God!" And we all three gave to God the whole glory.