MRS. EDDY writes in "Miscellaneous Writings" (p. 183), "Man is God's image and likeness; whatever is possible to God, is possible to man as God's reflection." These inspired words serve to bring into human view the proper sense of man's reflected potentiality as the likeness of God, the one creator, who is constantly pouring forth His affluence through His ideas. This truth of being, understood, brings to the receptive human consciousness the resuscitating power of inspiration, and points the way to the realization of one's higher selfhood and destiny.
It is the false sense of self which deprives mankind of spiritual inspiration, and clogs human endeavor; and one of the forms of this error is commonly known as self-consciousness. We learn in Science how to replace this false sense of self with the true consciousness which is free from fear and its companion, personal sense, both of which are the results of the supposition that we ourselves are either creators or originators. The inspiration which accompanies the positive sense of man's at-one-ment with God, which comes to us as the result of our recognition of man's possibilities as God's representative, divinely endued with the ability to reflect His intelligence and manifest His power, enables us to retain our spiritual poise.
Man is endowed with eternal life; for he is Life's manifestation. This mighty truth, when given a place in consciousness, is inseparable from divine power; and it lifts right endeavor out of the stereotyped sterility of mere routine into individual demonstration of God's law of perfection. The inspiration which accompanies this right idea is a priceless possession, and its inflow into our consciousness should be constantly protected from any interruption.