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From the January 1933 issue of The Christian Science Journal

A WELL-KNOWN writer once characterized time in these words: "Time, the foe of man's dominion." So long as mortal mind is believed to exercise its illegitimate prerogative of measuring, weighing, outlining, and limiting all things, humanity may seem to be cheated of opportunity and defeated in achievement; for this fallacy will continue to rob mankind until its false representations are challenged and their annihilation is begun.

An outstanding difficulty in establishing this proper dominion is that the spurious nature of time has not been generally detected and the true standpoint found from which alone to destroy its fabrications and thus gain supremacy over it.

As human education has been mainly along material lines, the average mortal finds his life limited almost exclusively to the narrow compass of material thought and activity. Infringing upon the rights of divine, creative Mind, and falsely claiming to be a creator, material sense would circumscribe its counterfeit of man within corporeality. From the time of material birth the mortal is hurried onward to the close of that which, according to spiritual truth, never existed, namely, life in matter.

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