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[As published in the Christian Science Sentinel, November 5, 1932]

From the January 1933 issue of The Christian Science Journal

THE time to check a falsehood from spreading is when it first shows itself, and as a misrepresentation about our Publishing House Building Fund has recently begun to circulate in different parts of the Field, we are taking this means of correcting it.

Any story that our Publishing House Building Fund needs no more contributions is a falsity, whether projected with evil intent or merely through misapprehension. We are entering into that part of the construction work where the largest obligations are to be met, and while every Christian Scientist may be gratefully appreciative of the splendid response from organizations and individuals the world over, the continuance of their subscriptions is necessary to meet the heavy monthly demands which grow greater as we approach the final stages of the project. That their donations will continue regularly for months to come until the completion of their building we have no doubt, but all must be watchful that nothing shall impede progress or delay completion.

It may be of interest to know that the same unfounded rumor was in circulation about The Mother Church building fund in 1904 and was promptly denied. In "The First Church of Christ, Scientist, and Miscellany" (p. 14) was republished an editorial from the Christian Science Sentinel relating to a story that the entire amount required to complete The Mother Church building fund was paid in. In denying it the Editor said, "If the devil were really an entity endowed with genius and inspiration, he could not have invented a more subtle lie with which to ensnare a generous and loyal people."

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