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Testimonies of Healing

Gratitude and a sincere desire to...

From the January 1933 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Gratitude and a sincere desire to help others prompt me to write this testimony. In twenty-seven years I have had a family of five children, the youngest seven years old now, and have never given any of them a dose of medicine. We have had many healings through Christian Science, of numerous physical ailments, including colds, stomach disorders, effects of accidents, and contagious diseases. Some of these healings have been instantaneous.

A few of these healings stand out as milestones in my progress in Christian Science. At the time our second boy was about two years and a half old there was an epidemic of spinal meningitis in the neighborhood. One morning very early the boy seemed in great pain, crying that his back hurt. My sister-in-law, a practitioner, was spending the night with us, and we immediately asked her for help. In fifteen minutes after treatment was begun the boy was quietly sleeping, and there was never any other manifestation of the trouble.

I should like to relate another healing that helped much in overcoming fear. One Saturday afternoon our twelve-year-old daughter, while playing with other children, stepped on a nail. About ten o'clock that evening the foot was paining her so much we thought it best to call a practitioner. She rested some that night, but the next day the foot looked rather bad. The girl enjoyed her playmates even though she could not step on the foot. That night there was decided improvement, and by Tuesday the girl was wearing her shoe and walking wherever she wished.

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