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Testimonies of Healing

Christian Science was presented...

From the July 1933 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Christian Science was presented to me by a dear friend when I expressed my dread of a journey because of a condition I had experienced several times. She brought me a Christian Science Sentinel and said, "If you will read this, I am sure you will not be sick." Joyfully I read it and was blessed. The healing has been permanent. When I returned home I purchased a copy of the textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy, and a Christian Science Quarterly, and these, together with the Bible and the loving help of practitioners, are unfolding to my consciousness the true concept of God and of man made in His image and likeness.

I have had many physical healings, among them the healing of colds, headaches, chapped hands, with which I had suffered every winter since childhood, and constipation. Also, after I had been operated on with no permanent benefit, hemorrhoids vanished under the light of Truth. The sense of separation at the passing on of loved ones has been overcome, and financial problems have been solved. I am grateful for the physical healings, but more so that I am learning how to love my neighbor as myself. I am grateful for the lectures, the periodicals, and the help of the practitioners who so lovingly and encouragingly lead us on our journey Spiritward; and I am most grateful for our Leader, whose love was so pure that she would not falter in her work, even when persecuted, that suffering humanity might know the truth and be free.—

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