The demonstration of supply involves more than the overcoming of a belief in lack of money. True provision includes everything that a munificent God bestows upon man; and the recognition and proof of this fact is the demonstration of supply in its truest sense.
In the attempt to banish lack from their experience, too many first concede it to be a fact, and upon this groundwork of erroneous admission endeavor to build a rightful sense of supply. Naturally, the result is a failure. Now, contrariwise, the scientific way is to acknowledge the presence of infinite supply, and upon this governing truth base rightful activity which will destroy the false sense of lack.
Many people are more fearful of the nonentity lack than they are of sickness. Undoubtedly it is a racial belief which can be traced back to frequent hunger and starvation. It is one of the basic lies of mortal mind, and in our complicated living touches many activities of human life. To be destroyed, the fear of lack must be seen as unreal and denied, and the great fact of infinite supply must be recognized, accepted, and demonstrated.