I did not come to Christian Science for healing. It was brought to me while I was nursing in materia medica. Through hearing the truth declared to a patient by a Christian Science practitioner I was healed of fatigue, periodic nervous headaches, and faith in medicine as a healing power. Christian Science has answered every question for me. While I have had instantaneous healings, I am also grateful that through the slower ones I have gained in my understanding of God.
Several years ago two of our sons and I were healed of mushroom poisoning. We ate the mushrooms for breakfast, which we prepared after driving out to camp. I remained in camp while the boys went with their father for a boat ride. In a short time they returned, as the youngest, six years old, was unconscious. We hurried back to town to call a practitioner for help. It was some time before we got in touch with the practitioner in the city from which we had recently moved. By this time I was unconscious most of the time, but was clinging to the thought of God as my Life. I had about yielded to discouragement, and told my husband to take the third son to my mother, as I thought the two boys and I would pass on. At this time the youngest slipped down from his father's arms and said he was going out of doors—he was healed. The second son had also left the couch where he had been lying and had gone out of doors.
In about two hours I awakened with the thought that something was happening; then I realized it must be my awakening to the presence of the Christ. I arose rejoicing and praising God. The family came running in joyous surprise. I am happy to say that there were no after effects. I was healed of fear and resentment at the same time.