A woman of the city came
To seek the Master, him whose fame
Was noised abroad in all the country round.
Unconscious of the scornful looks she met,
Of pride, disdain, and anger that beset
Each forward step, she paused not, but obeyed
The angel-message, answering when she prayed
For purity and light, to leave behind
The sinful wasted years, and to find
Forgiveness and peace in God's dear love.
Repentant, humble, and with chastened thought,
She fell adoring at the Master's feet.
The fragrant box of ointment that she brought
Was not so precious as a single tear
To him, who ever sought to raise the fallen and' to
cast out fear,
For as she knelt and bathed his feet with tears
The fetters of the past, the wasted years,
Fell off, the veil was rent.
Compassion sweet, pure thought that could impart
Such ecstasy of joy to wounded heart,
And pour in streams of love!
Then gently falling on the waiting ear,
In accents sweet, like drops of dew from heaven,
Came gracious words, Thy sins are all forgiven.
Oh, healing so complete!
Oh, Christly power,
Enabling Mary in a later hour
To look into the sepulcher, then rise
Above the mists and see with open eyes
Her risen Lord, be first to greet
The Saviour of mankind,
Then speed with flying feet bearing the joyful news,
The message sweet, The Lord is risen
And goeth before you into Galilee.

From the November 1934 issue of The Christian Science Journal