As a child and young woman I was never strong and was frequently ill. After leaving school I was constantly under the care of physicians. For many years I could not use my eyes for any close work such as reading or sewing and for five years I went twice a week to a doctor for special treatment.
One autumn when spending the winter away from home, I decided to try a new doctor, but an acquaintance begged me, instead, to accompany her to a Christian Science practitioner who had cured her of troubles similar to mine. I am thankful to say that in my extremity I did as my friend desired. On the third visit the practitioner asked me if I had had a pleasant walk. "Walk!" I exclaimed, "it would put me to bed for a week if I walked such a distance." I shall never forget the love with which she put her hand on my shoulder and said: "My dear, God never made a law which would keep you from walking. Isaiah said, They that wait upon the Lord . . . shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint' "! I believed her, and walked back and forth the three quarters of a mile for the seven weeks I was under treatment. It was not easy, and often I would stop and lean against a wall, but I never doubted. When the healing came I was as one freed from chains. To use my eyes and to walk when I desired gave me great joy. The truth had freed me and I could enter into normal activities.
Years later, while I was assisting a heavy person from a chair to her bed, she let her weight come on me suddenly; and as I held her from falling, something seemed to give way within me. After a few days of considerable suffering I went to the office of my teacher in Christian Science, one of Mrs. Eddy's well-loved students. She saw my need and without a word began work. It was a beautiful case of quick healing, as before I reached home I knew that I was well. Year by year my gratitude to our Leader has increased as I have gained in the understanding of her marvelous revelation, Christian Science.—Portland, Maine.