When God revealed Himself to Moses and called to him from the burning bush, the sacredness of this spiritual revelation was indicated in the comment, "Put off thy shoes from off thy feet, for the place whereon thou standest is holy ground." And when Moses asked His name, God defined Himself in that tremendous statement of fundamental being, of absolute supremacy, "I AM THAT I AM." This great revelation of Spirit to Moses sets forth the axiomatic fact that true consciousness exists. There is no room for whys and wherefores; it is the basic fact of being. And consciousness exists because Mind exists. "I AM" is the affirmation of conscious being, including all real consciousness, the sum total of understanding.
God commanded Moses to go into Egypt and tell the children of Israel, "I AM hath sent me unto you." In other words, the darkness of mortal belief was to be enlightened by the revelation of the truth, the revelation of the one Mind, which is all consciousness, and which is conscious only of good.
There is a big lesson for us to learn from this experience of Moses. If untouched by spiritual vision, we live, metaphorically speaking, in Egypt, in the darkness of that mortal belief wherein the Pharaoh of material sense holds us in bondage. But the great I AM, God, is ever sending to us His messengers, spiritual thoughts, which are saying, "I AM hath sent me unto you." One of these vital messages was voiced through Moses in the commandment, "Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain." Here is one of God's great commandments. Interpreted in the light of Christian Science and obeyed with understanding, it contains for us a guide out of bondage into the land of promise.