Christian Science came to me when I was a child, and all through the years, as I have learned to follow the Christ-way as taught in Christian Science, I have proved beyond all cavil that the Word of God is indeed a covert from the storms of earthly experiences, where we may enter and abide in safety.
Among my experiences the following taught me very clearly that spiritual progress, not time, brings mental and physical healing. Early one rainy morning, as I was driving on a highway, my automobile was turned completely over, and I was found pinned under the car, in an unconscious condition. A little later I found myself in a hospital with concussion and a severely fractured skull, facial cuts and bruises, and some broken ribs and injured cartilages. There was also a broken collar bone and a crushed upper right arm. The right thigh was crushed and the left kneecap was fractured; and added to all this there were several bruises and deep flesh wounds.
My first thought after becoming conscious was not of an accident but of progress. A keen sense of comfort and assurance came with these words by Mrs. Eddy: "Progress, legitimate to the human race, pours the healing balm of Truth and Love into every wound" (No and Yes, p. 44). I knew that if I wished to be whole, there was but one panacea, one curative element and healing balm, "the mind of Christ." To attain that altitude of Mind which was in Christ Jesus meant active, progressive forsaking of matter and all the false beliefs and erroneous practices included in materialism, for Spirit, God, and all the reality and good included in a spiritual life; in other words, it required sacrifice, prayer, and struggle. After several months the hoped-for complete release came. For this release my gratitude is unbounded. I am immeasurably grateful for the progress made during this experience; it has given me a clearer sense of what is required to attain the ideal, and a stronger determination to strive more vigorously to realize the triumph of Truth over error.