As I have never failed to receive spiritual uplifting from the testimonies in the periodicals, I wish to add mine with an earnest desire that it in turn may help someone. In our family of five, Christian Science has always healed when earnestly and honestly applied. It has completely regenerated my life, changing it from one of desolation and woe to one of happiness and usefulness. My healing of neuritis was completed through the reading of a testimony in the Sentinel. I have also been healed of astigmatism, chronic tonsillitis, headaches, and nervous prostration. My husband was healed of blood poisoning and our children of fever, whooping cough, measles, and a number of other so-called children's diseases.
I am grateful for membership in The Mother Church and a branch church, and for class instruction; also for all the church activities and the periodicals. I was instantaneously healed of influenza by responding to a call to duty while I was serving on a Monitor activities committee.
These are just a few of the proofs in our family of the efficacy of Christian Science, for which I am truly grateful. — Kansas City, Missouri,