For over forty years I have taken all my problems to Christian Science. It has healed me of sickness, trouble, and grief.
Over three years ago I found myself in a very bad financial condition. I decided that as I was nearly eighty years of age, all alone, and all near and dear ones were gone, the only thing for me to do was to pass on. I thought of nothing else, but I did not die. These poisonous thoughts brought on a very severe heart trouble, followed by dropsy. I was confined to my room for thirteen months, seven of these in a chair. I could not lie down because of difficulty in breathing. I had a kind and most patient practitioner, but as my thought was so dense it seemed as if the light could not break through. In October, 1932, I awakened saying, "Not my will, but thine, be done." In a few days the fluid that had disfigured the body commenced to seep away at the ankles. When it had left the body the heart assumed its normal condition. Today I am a well woman, thankful to God, and grateful to Christian Science.—Chicago, Illinois.