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From the January 1935 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I will lift up my heart and voice
Though error's claims seem sore;
In dauntless faith I will rejoice
And sing forevermore.

Rejoice in ever present Love
That casts out hate and fear,
In joyous Life that knows no death,
In Truth forever near.

Do discord, lack, and loneliness
Seem bitter every hour?
Rejoice to know their nothingness,
And good's unfailing power.

Does sickness seem to bind in chains
My free, unfettered sense?
Rejoice to stand a witness true
To God's omnipotence.

God is my refuge, safe, secure,
From every wind that blows,
There I may rest and joyful sing,
Content my Father knows

My every need, by Him supplied
From out His boundless store.
So I, in dauntless faith rejoice
And sing forevermore!

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