The Trustees under the Will of Mary Baker Eddy announce the publication of a new volume under the above title, containing all the published poems by Mrs. Eddy, including "Christ and Christmas" with illustrations. The new volume is uniform in size with the pocket editions of Mrs. Eddy's writings, and is bound in black, in brown, and in blue morocco, limp, round corners, gilt edges, list price $4.00 a copy; Reading Room price, each $3.60.
"Christ and Christmas" will continue to be published separately in the standard blue cloth edition at $3.00; and "Poems" will be continued in the cloth edition at $1.50, and in the pocket edition in black, in brown, and in blue morocco, at $3.00 a copy.
Orders for the new book, "Poetical Works of Mary Baker Eddy," and remittances therefor, should be sent to Harry I. Hunt, Publishers' Agent, One, Norway Street, Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.A.