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From the December 1936 issue of The Christian Science Journal

One who serves the Cause of Christian Science, whatever the service may be, serves God, and the spirit in which the service is rendered determines its worth. The opportunity to serve as Reader in a Christian Science church or society is a sacred one. This position is not one to be sought through selfish ambition, nor one to be lightly assumed.

To correct what seemed to be a prevalent belief in the Field that she preferred to have a man rather than a woman for First Reader, Mrs. Eddy wrote in an article entitled "Readers in Church" (The First Church of Christ, Scientist, and Miscellany, p. 249), "My preference lies with the individual best fitted to perform this important function." She added, "What our churches need is that devout, unselfed quality of thought which spiritualizes the congregation." Assuredly, "devout, unselfed quality of thought" needs no discrimination as to sex.

Mrs. Eddy has given in her writings instructions which completely cover the duties and qualifications of Readers in branch churches. And The Christian Science Board of Directors, from time to time, has given through the periodicals wise, loving, and helpful advice to Readers. Earnest study of this instruction and advice, together with consecrated metaphysical work on one's own part and a loving desire to serve rightly, will happily prepare Readers for their work.

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