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From the December 1936 issue of The Christian Science Journal

How vain, how dark, seemed human understanding!
The needs of flesh, the fear of the unknown,
Pressed like the smother of a fog down drifting;
The stars had vanished and I stood alone!

But Love reminded me of my possession,
That all God's promises were mine today;
Like Christian, then, I used my key and hastened
From Giant Despair to the King's Highway.

And there drew near a gentle, unseen presence;
God's message, as an angel, came to me.
The light divine of Spirit's intuition
Revealed a breaking morn, a shining sea.

In thought I saw, on mountains all delightsome,
Immanuel's shepherds and the flocks they led;
And just beyond the white celestial city
All burdens dropped, and all my false fears fled.

Perfection is the law of God's creation,
Ourselves a part of this stupendous whole;
But now we dimly see His wondrous glory,
Now faintly hear the melodies of Soul.

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