I feel it my duty to express my great gratitude to God, who, in His loving-kindness, has acquainted me with Christian Science, the blessed heritage left us by that great and noble woman, Mrs. Eddy. In her book, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," each line is instruction for all. My great gratitude goes out also for the Christian Science literature, for the articles in French, appearing in pamphlets or periodicals. By its spiritual tone this precious literature greatly quickens the development of our understanding.
From a human point of view I had a terrible fall while at work, so I had to submit to government and insurance regulations. I was obliged to spend several months on a hospital bed without being able to stir. Before me constantly was the Prospect, according to the surgeons' forecast, of having to wear an orthopedic apparatus to support my dislocated knee, so that I might walk—if at all! With the help of a Christian Science practitioner I was able to do the necessary mental work to clear my thought of materiality, and to make the physical senses give up their false testimony of weakness and wound. All my suffering and fears disappeared in the light of Christian Science. In this Science there is no accident, no fracture; all is harmonious. Strength and power belong to Spirit, and Spirit is God. I had absent treatment and my healing continued, for under the spiritual guidance of the practitioner, who wrote me regularly, my thought was more and more open to the action of divine power, to the reality of my being; and the little I understood and expressed of Truth made me freer every day.
On page 192 of Science and Health Mrs. Eddy tells us, "We are Christian Scientists, only as we quit our reliance upon that which is false and grasp the true." This passage is one of those which were of utmost aid to me in my marvelous healing. I now walk very well, I can even run, and I sometimes feel more firm on the leg that was broken and the knee that was dislocated than on the other leg. But if my physical healing has been a marvelous demonstration, my mental healing has been as wonderful. I have come out of this experience with such clarity of thought that I have been filled with indescribable bliss. Words cannot express the joy and gratitude which fill my heart toward all those who have taught me to know God, the only true God, ever responsive to our call. All we need to know is how to call upon Him, and this we are taught in our textbook.— Courbevoie, Seine, France.