Those who are practicing Christian Science today are endeavoring to meet the heart's great need by awakening mankind to a truer sense of Life and Love, arousing a desire to know and to do good, to receive and express good. With her unfailing wisdom, Mary Baker Eddy realized mankind's greatest need, and in an address to The Mother Church, in 1895, she stated (Miscellaneous Writings, p. 107): "More love is the great need of mankind. A pure affection, concentric, forgetting self, forgiving wrongs and forestalling them, should swell the lyre of human love."
The human heart yearns for happiness, for that which must be procured above illusions and delusions of material sense, and which is obtainable only through the application of meekness, purity, obedience, unbounded and unselfed love. And yet, because of false belief relative to the true source of happiness, we hear on every hand, How can I get money for the necessities of daily life?
The true necessities cannot be purchased with money. God is Life, the source from which all life emanates. Life is expressed in an abundant supply of everything essential to living. The recipient must be alert to partake of God's love and abundance; willing to look above the material sense of things; to let his aspirations grow more spiritual until thought awakens to the realization that to love spiritually is to live.