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From the January 1937 issue of The Christian Science Journal

With the assurance born of divine authority, the loving Jesus said, "Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you." Before uttering these memorable words, the Master had tested their truth in his own experience. Spiritual realist that he was, Christ Jesus understood the ever-nearness and readiness to bless of God, divine Love, whom he acknowledged as man's only parent, preserver, and provider. To Him he went for guidance and instruction; with Him he held sacred communion; Him he asked not in vain, whether the need was the healing of a physical or moral ailment, the stilling of tempest or temper, the feeding of a few or of a multitude, or the dispelling of the material illusion of death.

How did the Way-shower pray? What was it that raised his communion with the Supreme Being above the vacuity of blind belief, above the fatuity of Pharisaical creed? The answer to these vital questions may be found throughout the inspired writings of Mary Baker Eddy. On page 12 of "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" she makes the revealing statement that Jesus' "humble prayers were deep and conscientious protests of Truth,—of man's likeness to God and of man's unity with Truth and Love."

Constructively used, protest implies a solemn claiming of truthful facts. Christian Science traces all veritable facts to God, or Truth, holy and unalterable, utterly pure, inexhaustible in tenderness, incapable of obscuration or imperfection, eternally illimitable in goodness and power, unfathomable in wisdom and intelligence, irresistible in purposefulness; to self-existent Principle, Life, and Love, eternally upholding His own immaculate idea, spiritual man.

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