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From the January 1937 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Humanity is beset by the false belief of unjust decrees. It has been found that many of the undesirable edicts are self-imposed, and that all are traceable to human opinions or mistaken views of life mentally entertained and left undestroyed. When the inspired patriarch, Abraham, was confronted with a serious problem, he communed with God and then asked, "Shall not the Judge of all the earth do right?"

Because of the discovery of Christian Science by Mary Baker Eddy, we can now feel, know, and understand that the "Judge of all the earth" is ever-present Principle, Life, Truth, and Love, who is always doing right, and who is uniformly just, good, and kind. Many times our Leader was assailed by injustice. Her way of overcoming it was the Christ-way. On one occasion, referring to the error of entertaining a personal sense of judgment, she wrote (Miscellaneous Writings, p. 291), "To station justice and gratitude as sentinels along the lines of thought, would aid the solution of this problem, and counteract the influence of envious minds or the misguided individual who keeps not watch over his emotions and conclusions."

Webster's dictionary gives some definitions of "justice" as follows: "Rectitude, integrity, uprightness, fairness, rendering to everyone his due." Christ Jesus is our Exemplar. Our Master's conscious agreement, sonship, or spiritual oneness with infinite divine Mind was so perfect and loving that he cherished a spiritual sense of justice, which destroyed its opposite. He knew that the divine justice would be made manifest in the experience of all who practiced his teachings. He never limited divine Love. He never doubted that the Christ, the spiritual idea of God, or the expression of divine Love, would be victorious over every belief of evil. He told his followers that the Christ would save, heal, purify, and reward each receptive individual; prophesied that eventually all nations would learn to know God, good.

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