How often I have wanted to write my testimony of gratitude for the many benefits I have received in Christian Science! I attended a Christian Science Sunday School from the time I was eight years old and have been a member of The Mother Church and a branch church for many years.
There has been abundant evidence of the power of Truth in my experience. A proof of the operation of Christian Science came in the healing of fever, manifested by our daughter in 1935—the first temptation for concern since she came to us two and a half years before. That morning she awakened with a very apparent lack of vivacity. By nine o'clock my thought had become quite fearful. There was an epidemic of measles in the neighborhood. I put the child on my bed and read aloud the Lesson-Sermon in the Christian Science Quarterly. She fell asleep, and two hours later awakened with her usual gaiety, healed. Just so was my thought healed, because within that time I had realized completely my responsibility of knowing the ever-presence of Love, the ever-presence of God. I learned that as long as I sympathized with the beliefs of error I could not establish the power of right ideas to correct the mistaken sense. It is my continued hope that I may demonstrate the falsity of all beliefs of limitation that present themselves, by applying this spiritual understanding with conviction.
I am grateful for class instruction, for the privilege of participating in various church activities, for the help given by practitioners, and especially for the example Christ Jesus and Mrs. Eddy so courageously set for us in their demonstration of the Christ, Truth.—Rutherford, New Jersey.