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From the August 1937 issue of The Christian Science Journal

The world today is facing many grave problems. Men are disputing over political opinions or theories, industrial and financial affairs, and moral or ethical questions having a bearing on these. It sometimes seems as if many had become hopelessly involved, and were unable to find a way out of the difficulties. A strange condition, in which even Christians are finding themselves! For have not men for over nineteen centuries had the teaching and example of Christ Jesus before them—doctrine and practice acknowledged to be the highest ethically ever presented to mankind? But the disputings go on, the unrest continues, the problems in many instances remain wholly unsolved.

There must be something far wrong with mankind's interpretation and application of the teachings of the Master, since, otherwise, the Christian world should have attained by now to a much greater measure of harmonious stability. Is it that these precepts have been imperfectly understood by mortals? Or is it that they have found it too difficult to live in accordance with his divine precepts? Probably both of these reasons have contributed to the lack of success. Nevertheless, the fundamental teaching of Christianity is clear; and its demands are plain. It rests with mankind to be obedient to these demands, to fulfill them, for only in this way shall the salvation of the world from every chaotic condition be accomplished.

The basic teaching of Christianity is love for God and man. The teaching of the Hebrews, "An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth," was rendered obsolete by Jesus, who commanded his followers to love God with all their heart and their neighbor as themselves. In the Sermon on the Mount, in Matthew's Gospel, we find the nature of Christianity clearly set forth, learn the effects of the practice of its precepts, become informed regarding its rewards. From the study of this sermon of Jesus we learn how deeply Christianity is concerned with our neighbor in all right ways, teaching love and helpfulness towards him.

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