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From the August 1937 issue of The Christian Science Journal

How powerful has been the message which the Christian Science periodicals have carried to many a sick, discouraged mortal! Through them many have received their first intimation that there is an understanding of God and man so potent and true that it will establish for them the true sense of ability, abundance, health, and happiness.

When the message which Christian Science has for a receptive heart is accepted, its revelation is "as when a lion roareth," and its effect on human thinking and living is revolutionary and regenerating. Its truths are loud enough to drown the discords of sin, confusion, and sickness. And this message, so startling to mortal mind, reiterates the teaching of Christ Jesus, of whose words Mrs. Eddy has said (Miscellaneous Writings, p. 99), "They still live, and to morrow speak louder than to-day."

If the world will not always, as yet, listen to our words, it will watch our lives as Christian Scientists. If it seems not always yet to want our teaching, it does want our intelligent and loving service; and it generally admits the beauty, effectiveness, and healing influence of a selfless, helpful life. The humblest, quietest life, lived in obedience to the teachings of Christian Science, speaks loudly indeed.

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