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From the August 1937 issue of The Christian Science Journal

One of the many arresting statements in "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" is the following (p. 560): "The grand necessity of existence is to gain the true idea of what constitutes the kingdom of heaven in man." Mrs. Eddy's teachings are thus shown to be in consonance with the words and works of Christ Jesus, our Master, who was the great exponent of the kingdom of heaven as being within consciousness.

In the midst of his own people, who were looking for the establishment of a worldly kingdom which would enable them to overthrow their subjugators and avenge themselves, Jesus taught that power comes from gaining dominion over oneself, not from subjugating others. He said men must love their enemies, and when wronged must return good for evil; that he who would be the greatest should be the servant of all. The forms and ceremonies which were considered of vital importance in the Judaic religion, Christ Jesus set aside as of no real value. What a man thought in his heart was of greatest import under all circumstances. In his simile of washing merely the outside of the cup and platter, he made plain the futility of resorting to outward appearances of righteousness instead of cleansing one's inmost thinking of impurity.

The standard set up by Christ Jesus was entirely at variance with the accepted beliefs of the Jews, who were without the willingness to open their hearts to a more spiritual order of living than they had yet grasped. Is it any wonder that they cried, "Away with him"?

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