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From the August 1937 issue of The Christian Science Journal

The Christian ideal presented in the words of Christ Jesus, "Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect," is generally regarded as too transcendental for present attainment. Yet, systems of religion and philosophy, ancient and modern, have considered perfection to be the ultimate goal of the race, and have devoted earnest effort toward the furtherance of that end. Certainly such efforts are to be appreciated as evidences of a desire to hasten the progress of men Spiritward. Since these aspirations are unquestionably commendable and legitimate, why have they not been more completely fulfilled in human experience?

May not the answer to this question lie in the tendency of these systems to regard man as a material rather than as a spiritual being? This misconception leads to the error of seeking for perfection in mortal man instead of in real, spiritual being. Because of this fundamental error these efforts, however praiseworthy, must ever be barren of perfect results. Such methods might be compared to those of a musician who endeavors to establish harmony by attempting to bring discords to perfection. A direct reversal of his tactics would be necessary before his efforts could be crowned with success. Only by bringing his knowledge of the basic rules of composition to bear against the discords could he effect their disappearance and express perfect harmony. Referring to the material concept of man, Mrs. Eddy writes in "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" (p. 305), "A discontented, discordant mortal is no more a man than discord is music." When one reasons from this standpoint, the futility of attempting to graft perfection upon imperfection becomes apparent.

The Apostle Paul grasped the true import of Jesus' teaching concerning perfection when he said that the old man must be laid off for the new. He further declared that this "new man" was created after God in "righteousness and true holiness." Christian Science bears witness to this new. or real. man. This Science unreservedly accepts the Scriptural record of the creation of man in the image and likeness of God. It strongly emphasizes the necessity of bringing this real man to light, not by an inconsistent attempt to coordinate the characteristics of the carnal mind with a perfect creator, but by completely discarding the false material sense of man for the spiritual and true. In the degree that individuals are successful in so doing, they become increasingly aware of the presence, here and now, of God's universe, including man, harmonious, perfect, and eternal. Paul says, "The carnal mind is enmity against God: for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be." This statement exposes the mistaken method of endeavoring to establish harmony where that condition does not exist — in evil.

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