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From the August 1937 issue of The Christian Science Journal

As Christian Scientists we are engaged in the effort to bring forth more of the "fruit of the Spirit." In that endeavor we turn to "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy, and find the true and only method whereby the desired end may be accomplished. There Mrs. Eddy says (p. 295), "The manifestation of God through mortals is as light passing through the window-pane;" and she adds, "The mortal mind through which Truth appears most vividly is that one which has lost much materiality — much error — in order to become a better transparency for Truth." Here we learn that the means and method of advance is through the elimination of "much materiality — much error." We all know what error is, and how we act when we give it entrance into our thought. We may have differing opinions as to what phases of materiality — error — should first be removed, but we all agree that it must be eliminated. Therefore, the casting out of any material belief helps us to become "a better transparency for Truth."

A false claim of materiality which deceives many is that of human will. The student of Christian Science is sometimes confronted with the suggestion that he should investigate socalled mental science, which claims to teach mortals how to think so that they may be more able, more powerful, more successful. In other words, it claims to teach "how to get what you want." False methods such as this spring from mortal mind, and are distinguished from the true method of Christian Science, which reveals God as the only Mind, and demands humility, which Mrs. Eddy describes as (Miscellaneous Writings, p. 356) the "lens and prism to the understanding of Mind-healing."

Human will does not appreciate humility. How could it, since it is the antithesis of humility? Human will expresses the belief that power is resident in the human mind; and the human mind, not recognizing the divine Mind, looks to itself for power. Thus, human will does not feel the need of any assistance from another power.

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