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From the August 1937 issue of The Christian Science Journal

In the textbook of Christian Science, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," Mary Baker Eddy, referring to healing the sick, emphatically enjoins (p. 417): "Maintain the facts of Christian Science,—that Spirit is God, and therefore cannot be sick; that what is termed matter cannot be sick; that all causation is Mind, acting through spiritual law. Then hold your ground with the unshaken understanding of Truth and Love, and you will win." Mortal mind ignores this command, for it persistently maintains false beliefs, holding fast to the fables of material sense. This ignorance of reality explains why mortals are losers. When men abandon material beliefs and maintain the facts of Science, they win.

A dictionary defines "fact" as "anything regarded as actually existent" and "anything which is strictly true." Spiritual fact is an idea of divine Mind, an expression of Truth, a manifestation of infinite Principle. That God is immortal Soul is a fact. The one infinite Spirit, God, and His idea, man and the universe, are eternal verities, without beginning or end. Spiritual consciousness, the kingdom of heaven, is made up of divine realities, the manifestations of Truth. Death appears to follow in the wake of erroneous beliefs, while spiritual facts engender health and life eternal.

And what about beliefs? False beliefs deaden; spiritual facts vivify. Matter is the opposite of Spirit; it is the unlikeness of Life. Jesus knew the realities of being. He rejected the fables of material sense, the fictions of mortal mind, and so could overcome death and the grave. The priests and rabbis of his age hated him, rejected him, crucified him, because he sought to displace the realm of fable with the kingdom of Truth. The fictions of mortal mind held the world in darkness, forged the chains of bondage, and maintained the reign of sin, sickness, and death. His revelation of spiritual facts ushered in the light of Truth, healed the Magdalen of sin, restored Lazarus to his weeping sisters. If, like Jesus, we "maintain the facts of Christian Science," we shall win.

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