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[As published in the Christian Science Sentinel, September 16, 1939]

From the November 1939 issue of The Christian Science Journal

A Christian Science church edifice is the result of demonstration on the part of the membership, representing months, and sometimes years, of prayer, consecration, self-denial, and growth. Christian Scientists, generally, feel that their church edifices should be used only for the regular services and activities of a Christian Science church. Occasionally, however, a question arises as to the propriety of permitting the use of a branch church edifice for other purposes.

It would be unusual for a Christian Science church or society to use the rooms of its edifice for any kind of entertainment, or for meetings of groups which, whether composed of Christian Scientists or not, have no official connection with the church or with the Christian Science movement. This would apply also to rooms engaged by branch churches or societies for their church services or their Reading Rooms during the hours for which they have rented them. It is not expected that any part of a Christian Science church building or premises shall be used for the carrying on of an individual business undertaking or a philanthropic enterprise not connected with the church. The following information may be of interest.

In the Deed of Trust conveying land for The Mother Church edifice our Leader, Mary Baker Eddy, made provision that the Board of Directors should not "allow said church building or any part thereof to be used for any other purpose than for the ordinary and usual uses of a church." (See Appendix to the Manual of The Mother Church by Mrs. Eddy, p. 131.) Although this provision applies specifically to The Mother Church, many branch churches are guided by it in deciding questions relating to the use of their edifices.

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