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From the September 1940 issue of The Christian Science Journal

IN studying "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy, it is interesting to note the insistent teaching that error must be relinquished and the spiritual facts of being accepted. On page 400 it is written, "Mortals obtain the harmony of health, only as they forsake discord, acknowledge the supremacy of divine Mind, and abandon their material beliefs."

Thus is set forth simply and comprehensively the spiritually mental process by which the seeker for Truth works out his salvation from a false, material sense of creation, and enters thereby into the enjoyment of "the glorious liberty of the children of God." This redemptive process begins for each one when he discerns, through the revelation of Christian Science, something of the unreal nature of all that is evil and discordant, of that which is not made by God, and, be it ever so timidly, lays hold on the spiritual fact that the real or eternal is God-created and wholly good. Once begun, the endeavor to separate the false from the true in individual human consciousness must be continuous. Only by daily, hourly consecration to this holy task will uninterrupted progress be assured.

It is plain that one cannot accept as true or real two diametrically opposed thoughts. Few would deliberately choose to entertain such unlovely mental concepts as fear, hate, selfishness, impurity, if aware of the self-destructive nature of these concepts and of their own God-given ability to discern and express the opposite spiritual qualities of love, trust, purity, and unselfishness.

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