I Wish to express my gratitude to God; to Christ Jesus, the Way-shower; to our dearly beloved Leader, Mary Baker Eddy, and to the practitioners who are ever on the field ready to help us see the light of Truth and Love, revealed through Christian Science. I have proved beyond a doubt the truthfulness of the facts given us by our beloved Leader in her writings.
Fourteen years ago, I was sick in body and mind, and deeply in debt. Medical law would have placed me in bed for weeks, as it had done on similar occasions in years past, but I called a Christian Science practitioner by telephone and asked for help. I was so nervous and sick that I felt I should have to leave my place of employment, although such a step seemed disastrous, because my financial obligations were so great. However, after a very few minutes of conversation with this practitioner, I was able to go back to my work with no further loss of time.
Through the following years, this practitioner, as well as others, has proved an ever-ready help in unfolding the truth which makes men free. I have been able to discard eyeglasses, and have also been healed of nervous disorders, severe backaches, and fallen arches, as well as numerous other difficulties.