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From the September 1944 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Even though much yet remains to be done at home and on the battle fronts before final victory is won, leaders in government and industry are already formulating plans for the quick and efficient return of servicemen and servicewomen to their peacetime activities. It is expected that the carrying out of these plans will do much to prevent widespread unemployment and the economic slump usually associated with postwar periods.

Important as such plans are, however, thinking men and women realize that they can never take the place of, or make unnecessary, individual effort. Proof of this is found in Paul's advice to the Philippians and to all mankind: "Work out your own salvation with fear and trembling. For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure."

One realizes that he works out his salvation not alone for individual benefit but for the benefit of his fellow man as well. Christian Science teaches that in reality each one of us, as the reflection of God, is already in his rightful place, and we become conscious of this comforting fact as we progress in the working out of our salvation.

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