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From the September 1944 issue of The Christian Science Journal

In God's universe there are not minds many and gods many, but one infinite God, one infinite Mind. There are not numerous opposing factions striving for control, with consequent strife, selfishness, and mismanagement, but there is one ruling Mind, which governs all peoples harmoniously. Party prejudice is a manifestation of error, even as is the present world upheaval, or a belief in sickness, disease, insanity, or any other form of evil which has characterized the history of the Adamic race.

We hear opinions and theories proclaimed which expound the defeatist supposition that we are governed by bungling, politically-minded mortals, who not only are making a failure of the complicated business of running a country at war, but will, because of shortsightedness and selfishness, cause us to lose the peace, as we did that of 1918. We must use the most extreme care to stand guard over our thoughts, not to let destructive suggestions sow seeds of distrust and suspicion where confidence, trust, and love should be maintained. We must protect ourselves from such error as definitely as we would keep our consciousness clear of pictures of disease which we would not manifest.

Christian Science is preventive as well as curative. War, destruction, and famine seem very real to mortal mind today. But this picture which has outlined itself on our thought is attempting to destroy our spiritual peace and harmony, and we must refuse to accept it as ineradicable. For, even now, before we have been able to see the nothingness of this apparent discord clearly enough to eliminate it—before the final all-clear has been sounded to signify its departure—the sirens are already sounding to be on the alert for another and more insidious enemy, an ineffective peace. In the same decisive manner that we would arrest disease in its earliest stages by working earnestly to know the nothingness of the first symptoms of sickness, so must we be alert to the symptoms of what would prove to be a dreaded national and international malady.

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