BEING is always identified. The Life that is God is individually evidenced in a permanent universe of spiritual ideas and individualities, the highest of whom is man. The negative material sense of life is evidenced in a creation of transient material concepts and mortal personalities. Material personality is the opposite of spiritual individuality. Material personality is mortal mind's claim to identification and self-assertion. Spiritual individuality is God's mode of self-expression.
Mortals have been educated to believe in, and accept, as the real selfhood of man, material, physical personality with its attendant discords and limitations. Spiritual individuality they have, generally speaking, pondered but little, often not at all.
A thoughtful perusal of the teachings of Christ Jesus shows his thinking was the reverse of this. Ever in the forefront of his thought was man's sonship with God, and the spiritual unity with his Father, divine Mind, which characterizes this sonship. He repudiated the mortal, human mind and its puppet-like agent, material personality. His thought and effort were directed to awaken men to demonstrate that the only true selfhood of man is the outcome of Spirit, God, and is spiritually individual, not materially personal. How much we need to realize this simple truth!