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Testimonies of Healing

I am grateful for the privilege of sending...

From the January 1945 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I am grateful for the privilege of sending in my testimony to one of the periodicals. I heard of Christian Science for the first time about fifteen years ago, after having two major and several minor operations, which left me too ill to do my housework or see my friends. I was so depressed that I told my husband I wished I could pass on. A friend who knew of my condition, but who was not a Christian Scientist, told me about a healing of a child through Christian Science treatment. She offered to ask the mother of the child to send me some literature on Christian Science, which I agreed to accept. So much was quoted from Science and Health by Mrs. Eddy in the articles I read that I was eager to get a copy of this book. My husband ordered it, and when it came I read it day and night without regard for time.

One night, just before I finished the book, a feeling of joy, peace, and well being came over me, and I knew that I was healed. I went to my husband's room to tell him what I had experienced. He was startled at seeing me up at that hour of the night, and thought I was ill, but I assured him I was entirely well. The next day I arose early, gave my house a thorough cleaning, and prepared three meals. Though this healing was permanent, I did not see the importance of continuing to study the textbook. Soon after this, when I was confronted with another problem, I sought the help of a practitioner, but it was eight years before I really accepted Christian Science and relied upon it entirely.

I have had many healings, including instantaneous ones, some with the help of practitioners and some through my own understanding. The Hymnal has meant a great deal to me because of the healings I have had through singing the hymns. On one occasion our home was protected from a fire when I sat at the piano and played and sang Mrs. Eddy's hymns.

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