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[Of Special Interest to Youth]

From the June 1945 issue of The Christian Science Journal

To face one's present experience confident of God's loving care and control, and to regard the future in terms of orderly, safe, and fruitful living is the right of everyone. Christian Science, as practical for a child as for an adult, shows the way to gain this attitude. It is by understanding that God, who is wholly good, outlines and maintains only perfection for His child, who is created as the spiritual and indestructible likeness of Himself.

The word "plan" conjures up a picture of a pleasantly secure experience, or series of experiences, worked out systematically. When we think of God's plan for man, our thoughts can range over the fullness of lasting joy and satisfaction, the perfect safety and protection of divine wisdom, the ever-unfolding progression of good, and the utilization of all God's gifts. To see our oneness with God's purpose is to know a career free from the interruption or frustration of mortal circumstances. God's provision for continuous progress is available to us at every point of our lives if only we will listen for His angel messages and refuse to be sidetracked by arguments of disappointment, resentment, futility, or resignation. In God's plan no one is disadvantageously situated.

Jesus' parable of the workers in the vineyard who received the same recompense at the end of the day regardless of the comparative time spent (Matt. 20) is an encouraging assurance of the equality maintained by our heavenly Father-Mother God. May not this parable further point to the fact that when the present armed conflict is over, and routines become normal again, those who have unselfishly served their country can expect continuous and more satisfying accomplishment instead of limited opportunity and disadvantage? Even if certain changes and the requirements of serving our country may seem to postpone the fruition of our heart's desires, God will continue to work out His purpose for the blessedness and best interest of each one, and there is no loss or diminishing reward.

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