In these days of wartime economy, one feels the need of strength—strength born not of the undependable human will, but strength which derives its calm and power from the unwavering stability of a divine source. There are those who may feel the need of moral and spiritual strength, others of financial strength, and still many more who seek longingly for that which is often thought of as physical strength.
In her precious book "Miscellaneous Writings" (p. 240) Mary Baker Eddy says, "All education should contribute to moral and physical strength and freedom." Christian Science with its true education along worthy lines of thought is in our midst, offering its refreshing, enlightening spiritual truths to all who will listen. Among other things, it is teaching us what strength is, and where to find it.
As one learns the spiritually mental nature of strength, he gains more ability to maintain it along all lines. In his demonstration of strength for daily tasks, the Christian Scientist has learned to look to divine Mind and not to matter as the source of continued support and endurance. He has learned that strength is not something that is stored up in matter to be used out of matter. It is not gained by putting the body to rest while some mysterious force gathers in vigor and energy. Neither weakness nor strength inheres in matter. Weakness is one of the fictitious elements of mortal mind's falsity, and is unreal. God's creation continuously reflects the invincible strength of Spirit. Strength is a spiritual fact. It knows no cessation, and is forever imparted to man by Spirit. It is not depleted by use, nor does it diminish with advancing years.