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From the June 1945 issue of The Christian Science Journal

When one has seemed to fail and sink in despair under untoward human conditions, it is often said, "He was the victim of circumstances." One of the facts most clearly set forth in the teachings of Christian Science is that man, the expression of divine Mind, has dominion over circumstances. He is their master, not their victim. On page 419 of the Christian Science textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," its author, Mary Baker Eddy, gives this incisive rule: "Meet every adverse circumstance as its master." How can this be done? Through realization of at-one-ment with that divine Mind which creates and governs all existence in infinite, eternal harmony. Through a thorough study of and adherence to the teachings of Christian Science, each one may find for himself that established unity with Mind and claim his God-given dominion over his own human affairs.

Again on page 90 of Science and Health Mrs. Eddy says, "The admission to one's self that man is God's own likeness sets man free to master the infinite idea." Each one of us, no matter how helpless he may seem to be in the face of adverse circumstances, can fully admit and vitally realize his unity with God, and his true selfhood as the likeness of God, thus becoming "free to master the infinite idea," or spiritual fact, and be master of any and all circumstances. For example, as he knows the spiritual fact about business he becomes master of the human concept of business. He learns that the business of man is in reality the reflection of Mind, the active expression of the qualities of Mind in intelligence, exactness, and love. Even his so-called human business is purely a mental activity carried on in consciousness and reflects that of which he is conscious. In this, as in everything else, it is never the condition of the business that is important but one's mental attitude towards the condition. This has been proved in innumerable instances, one of which I know.

This was the case of a large contracting business which because of the neglect and dissipation of one partner, had been reduced to practically nothing. Money had been borrowed in large amounts and there seemed no prospect of its being repaid. Circumstances looked very desperate. With threatened loss of home and lack of the bare necessities of living, the second partner in desperation turned to Christian Science for help. Gradually he began to understand what true business is.

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