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From the June 1945 issue of The Christian Science Journal

[As published in the Christian Science Sentinel, April 28, 1945]

Questions are frequently asked concerning the details of Christian Science church services. For the benefit of those who are interested in such details the following information in given.

A First Reader sometimes inquires about the selections to be read from the Scriptures during the Sunday services. The first Scriptural reading (No. 2 in the Order of Services, Church Manual, p. 120) should, of course, be a suitable accompaniment for the Lesson-Sermon of the day, and subordinate to it. In The Mother Church the number of selections is now limited to four which are not consecutive, and the time for reading them is from three to five minutes. They need not be confined to one chapter or one book of the Bible, but may be taken from more than one book if the Reader finds it advisable, and obviously they should deal with the topic of the lesson.

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