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Testimonies of Healing

Several years have passed since my...

From the June 1945 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Several years have passed since my first testimony was published. During these years many additional proofs of the healing power of Truth have come into my experience, and I am most grateful for continued growth in Christian Science.

At one time I suffered from a severe nervous disorder entailing loss of weight, sleeplessness, and inability to walk more than a few steps without extreme fatigue. Through consecrated study and the aid of a practitioner, complete freedom was realized after a period of nearly two years. Our revered Leader, Mary Baker Eddy, states on page 174 of our textbook, Science and Health, "The footsteps of thought, rising above material standpoints, are slow, and portend a long night to the traveller; but the angels of His presence—the spiritual intuitions that tell us when 'the night is far spent, the day is at hand'—are our guardians in the gloom." Although "the footsteps of thought" were slow during the above healing, "the angels of His presence" in the form of spiritual enlightenment and inspiration were my "guardians in the gloom" and the day was "at hand."

It has also been my privilege to experience many other healings, some instantaneous. Included among these are healings of colds, stomach disorder, burns, infection, and a sprained ankle. I overcame the last-mentioned difficulty by repeating "the scientific statement of being," as found on page 468 of the textbook, and by declaring that there was no intelligence in the material structure known as an ankle.

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