The manifold blessings which have come to me during the past eleven years I attribute entirely to the healing power of Christian Science. At an early age, I was unable to accept the teachings of the Congregational church which I attended, and later, failing to find a religion which was demonstrable in daily experience and which could explain intelligently the miracles which took place in Jesus' time, I became an agnostic.
Years passed and Christian Science was presented to me, but I did not accept it until one day, filled with the desire to help someone whom I knew to be burdened and unhappy, I determined to put the little I had been told into practice. I turned my thoughts from my dejected friend to the contemplation of perfect man as the image, or idea, of divine, infinite Spirit. In so doing, my whole thought became so illumined that I realized at once that the existence of man as spiritual idea was a definite fact. Very soon afterward I saw my friend, who was now quite happy and free from his former despondency, and I knew that Truth makes free in human experience.
I then took up the study of Christian Science, and after some weeks I noticed that constipation and catarrh which I had experienced for some time had completely disappeared. I have never been troubled with either of these complaints since.