A TREASURED privilege is that of membership in The Mother Church. It indicates a step in the individual's journey from sense to Soul that presages a laying aside of much useless baggage. It means a turning away from the burdened sense of a belief of life in matter. This step in spiritual growth is fraught with a glad promise of greater spiritual gain which will inevitably displace the mortal dream with its illusions and disillusionments. Greater opportunities to serve in our loved Cause are unfolded to the one who has thus enlisted. This membership is, for the sincere student, a distinct anchorage in Truth and Love. It provides the steadying and satisfying influences which permeate and characterize the organization of The Mother Church.
It is assumed that one who is ready to become a member of The Mother Church is willing to obey such By-Laws as are laid down in its Manual, written by the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science, Mary Baker Eddy. He naturally wishes to become informed as to these By-Laws in order to be obedient to their behests. Most individuals are willing to do the right thing if they know what the right thing is.
One of these By-Laws (Art. V, Sect. 6) provides for the endorsing of applications for membership. Those who are called upon to approve or countersign applications should be informed as to the requirements set forth in this By-Law. They should know that they are strictly prohibited from placing their names on applications that are improperly or incorrectly prepared. Thus there is a responsibility laid directly upon these members. They should endeavor to see that the application is filled out correctly, a duty no less important than that of making sure that the applicant is ready in point of experience, spiritual growth, and freedom from the use of tobacco, alcohol, and the use of material or medicinal remedies.