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From the March 1946 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Long ago a Hebrew leader, called of God to help mankind
Out of bondage into freedom by the mighty power of Mind,
Had an order from the Father to proceed to Egypt's shores
To emancipate His people from inhuman, cruel laws.
True the task seemed overwhelming, and he knew that he must pray,
And God answered, "I will teach thee all that thou wilt have to say."
Moses knew that God was Spirit, and the one almighty power.
This assurance gave him courage in that seeming crucial hour.
He was ready, he went forward, in his hand the sacred rod,
And the father, Love, went with him. He obeyed the voice of God.

Guided, strengthened, and protected, man is safe in Love's domain.
Shall we heed the false suggestion that would tempt us to refrain
When we hear the holy message, and God's finger points the way
To some task that seems stupendous? Shall we willingly obey?
Trusting God and going forward, we shall tread where Moses trod,
And look higher than the problem, giving all the power to God.

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