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From the March 1946 issue of The Christian Science Journal

You will recall from reading your "Alice in Wonderland" that the Mock Turtle, in describing his education to Alice, speaks of it in this way: "Reeling and Writhing, of course, to begin with, and then the different branches of Arithmetic—Ambition, Distraction, Uglification, and Derision." One could look upon this as pure nonsense. Yet, like much of Lewis Carroll's seeming nonsense, it has a way of pointing a finger at human errors that urgently demand the corrective of Truth. And omnipotent Truth is available to all of us, now, through the higher education of Christian Science, as revealed by Mary Baker Eddy.

The world of human experience is passing through a period of reeling and writhing. Mad ambition, gross material distraction, mental uglification, derision of God and man, have thrown the people of this earth greatly out of gear. What are the basic causes of humanity's troubles? One, at least, is faulty education; particularly, faulty higher education.

Let us study for a moment the true meaning of "educate." It is directly derived from the Latin educare, which means "to lead out." Sincere students of the Bible and of Mrs. Eddy's writings will at once be aware of the significance of this definition. True higher education must and will lead mankind out of the blinding mist of the Adam-dream to the cloudless radiance of man's spiritual day—the day of universal peace.

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