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From the March 1946 issue of The Christian Science Journal

"Peace on earth," the angels sang
At Jesus' birth.

To manhood grown
Upon the mount in Galilee
He taught how men may lift their thought
To heights of Spirit's calm.
"Blessed," he said, "are the peacemakers."
And other truths he taught them there.
Hearing, rejoicing,
His disciples thought they knew,
Already, these Christ-truths were true.

Another day in Galilee,
Fearless he slept
While winds raged on the sea.
Fearless awaking, he arose
At the disciples' call.
He chose from Mind some simple words
And wielded them with power.
"Peace," he said, "be still."
Thus, the disciples saw him prove
The truth he taught.
They saw the storm assuage.
And yet they questioned doubtingly—
The miracle was mystery.

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