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From the March 1946 issue of The Christian Science Journal

In a recent dream, houses, trees, and people were exceptionally vivid, and curiously enough the dreamer while still in the dream debated whether or not the experiences were real, and decided that they were! Yet where were these objects and experiences when the awakening came? They were, of course, instantly recognized as dream concepts.

Is there any likelihood that a mental awakening of men can and will disclose that present human experiences are dreamlike and therefore not the stuff of which absolute reality is made? Indeed there is this likelihood, and Christian Science is explaining why and how.

Consider sickness, for example. Is sickness absolutely real? Is it eternal, indestructible, and God-ordained? We are told in the Scriptures that God is good and omnipotent. Could or would such a God create and maintain disease in the lives of His beloved children? If all men fully understood that God is good and omnipotent and acted accordingly, what would become of fear, sin, sickness, and disease?

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