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From the June 1946 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Peace-Loving men and women everywhere are fast awakening to the need of rallying moral and spiritual forces for world peace. They have learned that in no other way can the machinations of the foes of peace and progress be thwarted and straight paths made for the feet of future generations.

We may ask, Why are men strong in war and weak in peace? May it not be that in war, recognizing the enemy to be from without, men unite in defense of the common cause; while in times of peace they learn that the enemy is from within and a war far more difficult to win is at hand? We must look, therefore, to spiritually-minded, enlightened thinkers everywhere to point the way for mankind to overcome the enemy within and so find a permanent peace.

The great Exemplar of all ages declared (John 14:6), "I am the way, the truth, and the life." He continually turned thought to the Christ. The true Christian adopts the Master's ideal. While the government of God is universally available, to make it effectual in human affairs, men must embrace and practice the Christ-idea. Therefore, he who would work for the world must begin with himself; and in gaining a clear understanding of world problems and their solution he is preparing to work them out universally.

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