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From the June 1946 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Many and varied were the human ills presented to Christ Jesus for healing during his three years' ministry on earth. The lame, halt, sick, and sinful sought his compassionate touch and gentle assurance, confident that their every ill would disappear in the light of the truth he lived and expressed. Among those who came to him for help there were undoubtedly differing stages of mentality, various degrees of faith and receptivity. But whatever the claims mortal mind presented, the Master's unswerving faith in and full understanding of God's power to heal enabled him instantly to meet the need by the restoration of health and harmony.

Christ Jesus knew the facts of man's spiritual selfhood. When the power of God's Word was declared by the Master, who never for an instant admitted any interruption in the relationship between God and man, it uncovered, cast out, and destroyed every suggestion of an opposing power or presence.

The question of the human sense of time did not enter into Jesus' healing works. He knew that while mortals are inclined to outline a certain season for the fullness of the harvest, to the humble and receptive heart the "accepted time" is always at hand. There is no indication in the Gospel records that the destruction of evil's claim to power and the restoration of health were not permanent. This is not surprising, since he acted in accord with divine Mind, whose complete and perfect creation can never be affected by material beliefs or conditions.

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