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From the June 1946 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Sight, as a faculty of divine Mind, our Father-Mother God, is spiritual. Man possesses this faculty through reflection. Recognition of these basic facts constitutes the first step toward the demonstration of perfect sight in Christian Science. Through the study of the Scriptures and the writings of Mary Baker Eddy, provided the study is a sincere and honest search for Truth, anyone can learn to avail himself of this spiritual perception.

When Christ Jesus made the statement (Matt. 13:16), "Blessed are your eyes, for they see," he was directing the attention of his disciples, not to the material organism of their eyes, but to their spiritual perception, which enabled them to discern somewhat the true idea of man that Jesus revealed. The Master was leading all who follow the Christ-example into the light of spiritual understanding, where visibility clears and mankind discerns the verities of Spirit, Life, and Love. The perceptive faculty of Mind is perfect and permanent, regardless of the circumstances and what the human demand may be, and it possesses absolute accuracy and precision. God, in His infinite intelligence and omnipresent goodness, blesses man, His image and reflection, with the perfect faculty of perception.

How can these truths be applied to the improvement or healing of human vision? Our revered Leader, Mrs. Eddy, says in "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" (p. 211): "If it is true that nerves have sensation, that matter has intelligence, that the material organism causes the eyes to see and the ears to hear, then, when the body is dematerialized, these faculties must be lost, for their immortality is not in Spirit; whereas the fact is that only through dematerialization and spiritualization of thought can these faculties be conceived of as immortal." This one scientific statement makes clear that we have no other foundation on which to base a demonstration of perfect sight than that real sight is in Mind and is spiritual and permanent, independent of mortal mind or material organism.

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